Lisa and her Dreams
Author: Ivan Malkovych
Illustrations: Zhenia Gapchinska
Ukrainian Book for readers aged 2 - 102 in the Ukrainian language
Publisher: A-ba-ba-ha-la-ma-ha
Year Published: 2013
Type: hard cover, colored illustrations, gift edition
Pages: 26
Dimensions: 24 x 30,5 cm
Shipping Weight: 550 g
ISBN: 978-966-7047-24-5
This Book is a tale about a girl, who using the wings invented by Leonardo da Vinci is carried to the workshops of the brightest figures in the history of painting - from Botticelli to Dali. The book has been illustrated by Zhenia Gapchinska, a prominent modern Ukrainian painter. This artist‘s paintings are being stored in private collections of a number of connoisseurs of art, including Luciano Pavarotti. With „Lisa and her Dreams“ Zhenia Gapchinska has debuted as a children‘s books illustrator.
„Lisa and her Dreams“ has received a number of prestigious book awards, among them
„The Best Children’s Book of the Year 2005 “ , The Lviv Publishers’ Forum award for the best children’s book-2005.